From iconic advertising campaigns to style guides and what not to wears.
Our blog offers an oversight into the world of mens fashion, from the downright bizarre to the upscale on trend.

Why You Should Switch From Fast Fashion?
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8 Sustainable Winter Clothing Materials You Should Know A...
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November 14 2021 – Diana Aldescu
Up-cycling Vs Recycling: What Is The Difference?
Hello everyone and welcome to our blog of the week. Today we have a big topic to cover, up-cycling vs recycling. If you follow us on our socials (and if you don’t already, what are you doing?) you might find yourself wondering what exactly is up-cycling? So, grab a drink, sit back and let’s find out. The big question is...
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November 07 2021 – Diana Aldescu
What Is Organic Cotton and Why You Should Buy It?
Welcome back to our blog! Last week we talked about cotton and all its wonders. This week we have something even better for you, organic cotton! Let’s find out what this is. What is organic cotton? Like cotton, organic cotton is a natural and biodegradable fibre. But, the difference between the two is that organic cotton uses methods that have...
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October 30 2021 – Diana Aldescu
What Exactly Is Cotton? Your Guide To How It’s Made, Cotton Properties, & The Different Types Of Cotton Too!
Hello, hello everyone! Welcome back to our blog. Today we have a full fabric guide of cotton. How exciting! Let’s dive in. What is cotton Cotton is the fluffy, soft natural fibre of the cotton plant. It is the most common type of fabric in the world. You might not realise but cotton is with us daily. From the moment...
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October 24 2021 – Diana Aldescu
The Crazy Innovation Of Sustainable Fabrics
Well, hello, hello. Hope you have enjoyed our blogs because this week we are going to present you with some cool fabrics. Are you ready? We will not only be focusing on one sustainable fabric, but five. How exciting! We will be discussing the history of sustainable fashion and how far we’ve come with it. Finally, we will discuss new...
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